DG800 Series   |  

High Resolution Arbitrary Waveform Generators With SiFi II Technology

The DG800 redefines the entry level waveform generator by bringing advanced capabilities like 16 bit high resolution, intuitive touch screen control, and a quiet fanless design to our most affordable line of generators.  Add SiFi II point-to-point sampling technology and 2 MPts of standard arb memory and the DG800 Series delivers a powerful low cost generator for students and engineers alike. 
Check out our new DG800 Pro Series Generators that combines competitive performance with a 7” touch screen and compact chassis
Product Feature Customer Benefit
  16 bit resolution Improved signal fidelity
Improved signal fidelity   The DG800 Series generators extend the output with 16 bits of resolution. With 4 times as many output voltage options vs traditional 14 bit generators the DG800 more reliably reproduces any waveform - improving signal fidelity and performance.
  Touch Screen Design Easy to configure and operate
Easy to configure and operate   The touch screen control with tap and slide combined with the multifunction knob makes it simple to find and update your waveform settings. Switch between channels, configure each channel, and load standard functions or arbitrary waves with ease.
  SiFi II Technology Completely customize the wideband content in your waveforms
Completely customize the wideband content in your waveforms   Maximum flexibility in how your signals are represented with filtering options like step, smooth, and interpolation. These options within powerful signal sequencing gives you precise rolloff control for your signal of choice. Combine these flexible playback options or use Edge time in interpolation mode to customize the reach of the wideband components within a signal.
  Arb Sequencing Combine signals together quickly and easily for more advanced applications
Combine signals together quickly and easily for more advanced applications   Create and combine complicated sequences of signals for emulation or failure analysis with the touch of a finger. Combine cycles of different waveform types including dual tone, arbitrary waves, and noise to mimic a broad set of test signals. The DG800 also includes the capability to generate RS232 sequences and Pseudo-Random Bit Sequences (PRBS) to use within a test sequence for advanced applications. Now you can create complete test sequences from the front panel for waveforms that used to require interactive PC control, saving time and money.
  Deep Memory Arbitrary waves Create longer signals without losing signal quality
Create longer signals without losing signal quality   With up to 8 million points of memory (optional) for arbitrary waves on the DG800 engineers can develop complete test sequences that accurately represent long durations of high speed signals. Combine that with sequencing capabilities to create dynamic signal types that can be generated interactively from the front panel. With a full 8 million point arbitrary waveform the DG800 can sample at 60 MSa/sec using SIFI II technology to emulate more than 100 milliseconds of signal with 16 bit resolution with no gaps or repeats.

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Model Output Frequency- SINEOutput Frequency- SquareArbitrary Waveform LengthSample RateChannels Price
DG811 10 MHz5 MHz2 Mpts (8 Mpts optional) 125 MSa/s1 channels $395 In Stock
DG812 10 MHz5 MHz2 Mpts (8 Mpts optional) 125 MSa/s2 channels $431 In Stock
DG821 25 MHz10 MHz2 Mpts (8 Mpts optional) 125 MSa/s1 channels $443 In Stock
DG822 25 MHz10 MHz2 Mpts (8 Mpts optional) 125 MSa/s2 channels $467
DG831 35 MHz10 MHz2 Mpts (8 Mpts optional) 125 MSa/s1 channels $539 In Stock
DG832 35 MHz10 MHz2 Mpts (8 Mpts optional) 125 MSa/s2 channels $575 In Stock

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To get started using your instruments over the bus download UltraSigma instrument communication software or for older instruments or customized installations review the How to Guide:
Using VISA and drivers to communicate with instruments

For help writing your own programs for our instruments review the programming manual or contact us directly.




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Deep Arb Memory

Memory Depth Upgrade Option to 8 Million points



LAN Communication

USB2.0 to 100Mbps Ethernet Adapter



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1 BNC Cable (only provided with DG832/DG831/DG822/DG821)

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Deep Arb Memory

Memory Depth Upgrade Option to 8 Million points



Channel Option

Single-dual CH Upgrade Option. Adds second channel to single channel models.



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Arbitrary Wave Generation Software

Ultra Station-adv
Full advanced version of UltraStation wave generation software for DG1000Z, DG4000, DG5000 Series generators as well as DS1000Z and DS2000A "-S" embedded generators. This is a software upgrade license.



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LAN Communication

USB2.0 to 100Mbps Ethernet Adapter





150 mm USB Cable for connecting instruments to a PC



GPIB Adaptor

USB-GPIB Converter. Connect USB directly to instrument and control it via GPIB. This does not connect to a PC directly. "-L' Model for DL3000, DG800, and DG900 series.



IoT Design Challenges Seminar
Register to check out our new IoT Webinar Series.
Topics Include:
  • Debugging Serial Communication
  • RF Sensor Integration and Demodulation
  • Characterizing Power Requirements
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